The Three Estates: Interview with Billy Riddoch

After the highs of the performance (and well-earned holidays all round), ‘Staging and Representing the Scottish Renaissance Court’ moves into its next phase, reflecting upon what the performances of A Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis at Linlithgow Palace and Stirling Castle during  June 2013.

Below is an interview with Billy Riddoch, who played Flatterie in the Thrie Estaitis, talking about his involvement with the play in the past and his experience of performingit in its entirety this time, which enabled him to get a sense of the whole shape of the piece as an actor.  He discusses how he approached the performance of a Vice role, working alongside Jimmy Chisholm and Barrie Hunter.  Billy also considers the play’s importance for the Scottish dramatic canon, linking it to Scottish independence and suggesting that a nationwide tour would be appropriate for this uniquely Scottish work.  The interview was filmed against the backdrop of Linlithgow Palace, and the background of the final performance on 9th June.

Category: June 2013 productions, Politics, Staging |

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