The The Staging and Representing the Scottish Renaissance Court project took place over three years, ending in August 2014. During the life of the project this website served as a live community and repository for project information. Stripped of certain live elements such as social media feeds it now stands as a document of the project life-span. Users will find information about the project as well as full footage of the 2013 theatrical performances.
Staging A Satire of the Three Estates Project Overview
What is A Satire of the Three Estates?
Prof. Greg Walker explains:
‘Staging the Scottish Court’ was a two year, interdisciplinary research project which staged Sir David Lyndsay’s A Satire of the Three Estates as part of a wider investigation of the Scottish Renaissance and Stewart court and modern images of national identity and the Scottish past. At the heart of the project is the first ever full-length production of The Three Estates on the Peel at Linlithgow, in June 2013. There were also performances in the Great Halls in Linlithgow Palace and Stirling Castle of the ‘lost’ first version of the play, first performed at Linlithgow in 1540. The project, led by Professor Greg Walker and Dr Eleanor Rycroft of the University of Edinburgh, and Professor Thomas Betteridge of Brunel University, brought together academics from across the U.K with archaeologists and historical interpetors from Historic Scotland and professional theatre and film-makers. See more…
Filmed Full Performances of June 2013 Productions now available online
Both A Satire of Three Estates and Interlude are now available to view in their entirety. Watch A Satire of Three Estates Watch the Interlude
Interactive Video Feature 
How do contemporary film-making practices influence the ways in which live performance and in particular staged historical drama is perceived?
Try your hand at editing a filmed scene from the June 2013 Linlithgow production and see how actor Gerda Stevenson and others got on in the editing suite>>
Selected Posts
Happé Reflections on June 2013 productions
Dr Peter Happé of the University of Southampton, reflects upon the June 2013 productions of Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis, how the play was conceived, its language, and its staging.
Holyrood Panel Discussion
A Panel Discussion of A Satire of the Three Estates at the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, with the Culture Secretary, Fiona Hyslop, 4 June 2014
Community Outreach – The Movie!
A very engaging account of the Community Outreach programme conducted by Found Arts
Alex Salmond on Satire of the Three Estates
“an extraordinarily bold piece of theatre”, “raises profound questions about the nature of monarchy, the role of the popular voice in Scottish politics…